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Collaboration is a part of our endeavor to solidify parent teacher relationship. The focal point of such a meeting is "let's talk now."

Collaborations focus on learning, although your child's behavioural and social development also might be discussed. Other topics of discussion might include standardized test results, individualized study plans etc. The idea is to have a productive conversation about your child’s progress with pros and cons but in a professional manner.

As a parent, you should also take opportunity during this occasion to share feedback about your child's progress and areas of need that would help in a more tangible development of the child.

Such meetings are necessary to help your kids do their best in school and also to let your child know that what goes on in school will be shared at home.

Collaboration date and time are informed much in advance to help parents plan work schedules to attend such meets. Collaborations are held at least twice in an academic year.

Collaboration dates for Academic Year 2019-2020

Grade 1 & 2 Grade 3 & 4 Grade 5 to 9
20/07/2019 Saturday 27/07/2019 Saturday 17/08/2019 Saturday
21/09/2019 Saturday 19/10/2019 Saturday 12/10/2019 Saturday
07/12/2019 Saturday 18/01/2020 Saturday 07/12/2019 (Grade 5 to 8) Saturday
21/03/2020 Saturday 15/02/2020 (Grade - 4) Saturday 18/01/2020 (Grade 9) Saturday
    21/3/2020 (Grade - 3) Saturday 22/02/2020 (Grade 5 to 8) Saturday
Annual Report (Grade 1 to 3)
Friday 02/03/2020
(Annual Report for Grade – 9 )
(Annual Report for Grade – 4 to 8 )