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A vision of modern architecture, the school, nestled in the natural environs, greets your gaze, both secure and inviting - a haven indeed for our children. Here, “Education” is defined and designed to return childhood to children and bring out the best in them. Students are the focus of the institution.

The satellite branch, affiliated to ICSE and CIE, UK (IGCSE board) has two formidable buildings unique in its modern architecture and enclosing an immaculate lawn that provides students with an open, spacious and inviting natural environment.

Students walk into a ‘home away from home’ as classrooms are decorated and designed to make students feel comfortable, curious, exploring and attached. The commodious classrooms are well furnished and equipped with the latest modern technology, enriching students with current methodologies and approaches along with traditional classroom practices. Teachers and students take equal enthusiastic and optimistic interest in keeping their classroom a chamber of knowledge, with projects, write-ups, pictures from field trips being a part of the classroom décor – not only livening up their minds but making each student feel proud and recognized for their progress.

The well designed amphitheatre is the cynosure of all eyes that visit the campus. It is abuzz with activities held all around the year. The capacious amphitheatre stands as a witness to many celebrations that enlighten the spirits of young learners and provides parents and guests with a glimpse into the enterprising world of Anand Niketan Team Satellite!

Technological Advancement within School premises

With the ever increasing presence of technology in our lives, it has become a necessity to introduce students to the myriad merits of this revolutionary change that has benefitted students and educators alike.

At Anand Niketan Satellite campus, we believe that any change conducive to the cognitive development and critical thinking ability of students, should be adopted with alacrity.

The classrooms, right from Pre K onwards have been technologically upgraded with the latest smart board technology. This enables teachers to impart knowledge with focus on learning and collaborating rather than memorization.

Students and parents also have access to individual classroom progress through a school management portal, wherein regular updates are given on lesson under discussion, homework, syllabus and test schedules.